Category: Roofing Tips

When Is The Best Time To Conduct A Roof Inspection?

A home’s roof is arguably one of the most important aspects of a home, but it often gets given the least amount of thought. Regular roof inspections are vital to the longevity of your roofing system. Often, roofers like ABC Roofing are only called when an issue has been spotted by homeowners. Often, this call is made too late! Your…

Why Is Attic Ventilation Important?

Attic ventilation allows your home to breathe and helps to push hot air out and pull the cool air in. Read on to learn more about what attic ventilation is and its importance. How Does Attic Ventilation Work? There are different types of attic ventilation like active and passive. Active ventilation offers indoor air circulation with the help of mechanical…

Creative Rooftop Garden Ideas

Due to limited amounts of space, highly populated cities don’t always allow for the luxury of a garden or patio. Here’s an option you may not have considered: create your own rooftop gardens. It’s an ingenious solution for people looking to make the most of a small space, grow their own food, while also adding a touch of beauty and…

The Benefits Of Installing Solar Panels on Your Roof

Roof-top solar panels make a great addition to any home. Solar panels are not just environmentally friendly, but they also help you save money in the long run. As the cost of using solar power continues to go down each year, more and more Americans are choosing to switch over. In 2020, solar panel installations had record growth in the…

Residential Roofing: Our Favorite Styles

Your residential roofing choice can make or break your home. There are many residential roofing styles to choose from and you’ll want to make sure it meets your needs. Whether you’re looking to replace your old roof that’s falling apart or building a new home, you’ll want to make sure that your roof style protects your home from harsh elements…

What Quality Roofing Is Best For My Home?

Whether you’re looking for quality roofing for a new or existing home, it’s important to know which roofing materials are the best for your house. Read on to learn about the different types of roofing materials, however, this is not an extensive list. Asphalt (Composition) Shingles Shingles made of asphalt shingles have been a common type of roofing material, however,…

New Clamp Technology Expands Wind Resistance for Metal Roofing

Metal roofing has become increasingly popular over the years. They are durable, affordable, and are available in a variety of colors. Unfortunately, another thing that has been increasing is strong winds! This increases the chances that your home’s metal roof will experience localized or total failure. The wind will tear it from its mountings, leaving your family and home exposed….

Everyday Roof Safety Tips

Your roof can be one of the most dangerous areas of your home. This is why roof safety is such an important factor when working with roofs. Around 50 roofing contractors are either injured or killed while on the job each year; falls make up three-fourths of these unfortunate accidents. There are many people that unfortunately still don’t follow modern…

Preparing Your Flat Roof For Hurricane Season

From the beginning of June to the end of November, hurricane season is threatening your flat roof. Every gust of wind is a chance for a tree branch to damage your roof or crack a skylight. Still, your roof isn’t helpless. There are some small and easy things you can do to prevent roof damage. The Potential Damage To A…

Metal Roofing vs Hurricanes

A new renaissance is taking the United States by storm at the moment. It’s the age of the metal roof. Hurricanes have been taking Florida literally by storm ever since we can remember. No roof is completely hurricane-proof, but a top-quality metal roof is a fail-safe option. Here’s a look at why metal roofing is so good at withstanding hurricanes…