Residential Roofing: Our Favorite Styles

Roofing Tips

Residential Roofing

Your residential roofing choice can make or break your home. There are many residential roofing styles to choose from and you’ll want to make sure it meets your needs. Whether you’re looking to replace your old roof that’s falling apart or building a new home, you’ll want to make sure that your roof style protects your home from harsh elements while looking great too. The style of your roof can often be overlooked and is something that can actually add value to your home.

Although the construction is an important part of the roofing process, the style and material you choose can be a game-changer for upgrading the look of your home. When deciding on your roofing style, it’s also important to remember that the shape and materials you choose are also dependent on other factors apart from the look and feel. These other factors include your budget and the climate you live in.

Our residential roofing professionals at ABC Roofing have put together a list of our favorite roofing styles for you to consider for your new roof.

Gable Roofs

A classic gable roof is a timeless style and is one of the more traditional residential roofing options. A gable roof style is made up of two slanted sides that meet together at a 90-degree angle to form a ridge. Although it sounds simple it can be adapted in different ways by connecting at least two different gable roofs together, making it a versatile style option. This roofing style is perfect for homes in South Florida as it protects your home against heavy rainfall.

Shed Roofs

A shed roof consists of a single pane that slants downwards and is often used on homes where one wall is higher than the other. Shed roofs are a modern style that can really make a statement if used correctly. This residential roofing style is beautifully minimalist and is perfect for adding large windows on the side of your home, creating a glorious amount of natural light.

Butterfly Roof

This roof style is a unique take on the gable roof as it creates an inverted gable as the two slides slope inwards, creating lifted butterfly “wings”. This creates a beautiful shape that is certain to turn heads and add value to your home. Homeowners can also get creative with this roofing style as you can make the butterfly wings symmetrical or asymmetrical depending on where the valley is located. This style is also perfect for collecting water in the valley and redistributing it to your garden for those “dryer” months.

Pyramid Roof

This roofing style is perfect if your main priority is providing protection against strong winds and heavy rain. The pyramid roof shape allows rain to easily drain off the sloped slides. Additionally, it creates a strong and stable structure against the wind. This is a popular roofing style in South Florida as the homes need to be hurricane resistant. If budget isn’t an issue for you then this might be the perfect roofing style choice for your home.

Hipped Roof

Like a gable roof has two sides that form a ridge, a hipped roof has four. Like the pyramid style option, a hipped roof is extremely stable. It provides excellent protection against heavy rain and strong winds. A great way to make this roofing style more unique? Add a chimney or windows in the extra space.

Let ABC Roofing Help You Choose the Best Roofing Style for You

With over 30 years of experience, ABC Roofing is your best choice! We help you decide on the right roofing style for your home. We pride ourselves on quality workmanship and excellent customer service. From budget to materials and style; we can help you find the right residential roofing style to meet all your needs.

Do you want more roofing-related tips? Keep checking our Rooftop Tips blog and follow our Facebook page to hear why our customers love working with us!

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