Roofing codes and standards are the backbone of the roofing industry, ensuring the safety, durability, and energy efficiency of roofs. These regulations are particularly critical in regions prone to extreme weather conditions, such as South Florida’s High Velocity Hurricane Zones (HVHZ).
Perhaps you are in the process of installing a new roof or making extensive repairs to your current installation – Milton has just passed by and left a lot of damage in its wake! There’s good reason to understand why the codes and standards are in place and why you should not ignore their importance.
Let’s have a closer look at how these standards ensure we get the best quality roofing products for your roof.

Understanding Roofing Codes and Standards
Roofing codes and standards are developed by various organizations, including, but not limited to:
Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA)
BOCA develops model building codes that are adopted by many jurisdictions. They provide a basis for most buildings and serve as a platform for more specialized codes required by jurisdictions with elevated circumstantial criteria.
International Code Council (ICC)
The ICC creates and maintains model codes too which include the International Residential Code (IRC) and the International Building Code (IBC). Again these codes are described as the bare minimum that areas that require more stringent codes are then built upon.
Florida Building Code (FBC)
Specific to Florida, the Florida Building Code (FBC) includes stringent requirements for roofing systems, particularly in HVHZ areas. The unique weather conditions that Florida is exposed to each year in Hurricane season demand that there are a more stringent set of codes to ensure the safety and durability of homeowners’ roofs. Roofing products must meet or exceed these codes in order to comply and pass inspection.
Manufacturer’s Certifications
Many roofing manufacturers certify their products to meet specific codes and standards, ensuring compliance and quality. This gives the customer peace of mind when purchasing products as the manufacturers are aware of the requirements and standards. They will often place a label or badge on their products to state compliance or certification with the standards body.

The Importance of Roofing Codes and Standards in HVHZ
High Velocity Hurricane Zones (HVHZ), such as those in South Florida, are areas susceptible to powerful hurricanes and tropical storms. These extreme weather events can cause significant damage to roofs, leading to property damage and potential loss of life. To mitigate these risks, stringent building codes and standards are enforced in HVHZ areas.
Key Roofing Code and Standard Considerations in HVHZ
Selecting the right roofing products in an HVHZ can be overwhelming as there are lots of manufacturers and many products to choose from. We think it’s best to look at the following criteria before making a decision.
Wind Resistance
Wind resistance is the first crucial component to understand. In particular, we’ll look at wind load ratings, attachment methods, and hurricane straps.
Wind Load Ratings
Wind loads can also be expressed for these purposes as wind speeds. Areas such as those in the Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties need to be able to withstand wind speeds over 170 mph.
Attachment Methods
Roof uplift is a major consideration for home and business owners. The FBC has strict roof uplift requirements and demands the strongest possible attachment methods. A sturdy foundation of mechanically attached underlayment such as Tag & Stick’s 2-ply modified solution is an example of the kind of attachment required.
Hurricane Straps
With such high winds in South Florida, one of the biggest risks is losing the entire roof. To mitigate this risk, hurricane straps must be installed to attach the roof deck to the frame of the building. Hurricane straps are metal brackets that are attached to the wooden beams of the roof and building frame.
Impact Resistance
The largest contributor to damage during a hurricane is windborne debris. That is why your home or business must have a roof built with products that have sufficient impact resistance.
Impact Resistance Ratings
Roofing materials should have high impact resistance ratings to withstand flying debris during hurricanes. The higher the impact rating the more rigorous testing the product has been subjected to.
Hail Resistance
In areas prone to hailstorms, impact-resistant roofing materials can protect against damage. Hailstones can become very large during tropical storms and pose a significant threat to buildings and property.
Water Resistance
Another issue during storms is the ingress of water into the building and the damage that it can cause to the internal property. Water infiltration can cause rot and mildew and even affect the structural integrity of timber frames.
Waterproofing Membranes
These membranes provide an additional layer of protection against water infiltration, especially during heavy rainfall and hurricanes. They must be rated capable of dealing with the typical and excessive amounts of water that are present during South Florida’s tropical storms.
Seaming and Flashing
Proper sealing of seams and flashing is crucial to prevent water damage and is required for all roofs as per the FBC.
Energy Efficiency
With the threat of rising temperatures and sea levels an ever-present danger, the building industry has also thrown its weight behind developing materials and products that greatly increase energy savings and efficiencies. Not only does this help reduce your carbon footprint but it also saves you money in the long term.
Cool Roofing
Reflective roofing materials can help reduce energy consumption by reflecting solar radiation. The reflected radiation dissipates the amount of energy that is converted into heat and keeps your home cool during Florida’s balmy summers.
Energy Star Certification
Energy Star is a government initiative to help consumers identify products that are energy efficient within their context. A product that has the blue Energy Star label has been independently verified to be energy efficient and will help save the environment as well as save you energy costs. Look for Energy Star-certified roofing products that meet specific energy efficiency standards.
The Role of Roofing Contractors
At ABC Roofing Corp. we realize that we play a crucial role in ensuring that all of our roofing projects comply with local building codes and standards. As qualified contractors, we ensure that we have the requisite knowledge and expertise to excel in the following areas:
Select Appropriate Materials
You can find products that meet the criteria of the relevant building codes. Just meeting the criteria is often the minimum that can be done. Your contractor needs to choose the most appropriate solution for your given scenario. Choosing the best solution can save you money in the long run and ensure that your property is safeguarded against loss in the event of a severe weather event.
Proper Installation
The installation procedure is not often intuitively thought of but it is an important aspect of equal standing with the products used. There is no point in buying the best product that money can buy only for it to be installed improperly or not according to the manufacturer’s or code’s guidelines.
Obtain Necessary Permits
Each region and county has requirements for building permits to be obtained in the event of new construction or renovations, and extensions. A reputable and licensed roofing contractor will discuss these upfront with you and provide you with the necessary information timeously.
Conduct Regular Inspections
As with most things, it’s an important step to perform routine inspections to identify and address potential issues before they occur or before they worsen.

ABC Roofing Corp: We Set The Roofing Standard In South Florida
Roofing codes and standards are essential to the safety, durability, and energy efficiency of South Florida roofs that can attract some of the toughest weather conditions.ABC Roofing Corp has been in the roofing business for over 30 years and we understand the regulatory landscape of South Florida. Let us assist you in your next roofing project and we will guide you through the process with peace of mind. To secure your appointment, give us a call at 954-344-4622.